Well, it's been quite the winter with sickness and that continues. I was diagnosed today with whooping cough, but I've already passed the stage where it could be contagious. Now I just have to try to get some rest and build up my immune system, hoping the actual "cough" goes away soon. We are still planning to go to our church's couples retreat this weekend. After all, I will definitely get more rest at the retreat than at home with my busy kiddos! Garth and I are looking forward to the time away before the baby comes.
Speaking of baby, I had another baby checkup today and all looks great. I am still measuring 6 weeks ahead of schedule due to all of the extra amniotic fluid. The baby is measuring in the 65th percentile, so thankfully we won't be setting any world records with size!
Sarah's been busy with school and got 5 days worth finished up in 3 days this week so that she can enjoy the weekend at Grandma's house (while we're at the retreat). She is very self-motivated and loves school, especially Science. We are on track to be done the first part of May. She also continues playing the piano and knows her scales better than Garth and me!
Benjamin has become my little helper lately, including washing dishes, starting the dishwasher, carrying all of the laundry downstairs, and helping prepare meals. We are still plugging away at preschool with him. He started piano lessons at the beginning of the year and enjoys his piano practice for the most part. It's exciting to see him interested in music!
Rachel seems to realize that a change in the family is going to happen. She's been pretty clingy during the day and always wants "to go night-night on Mommy". She is also becoming Miss Independent, though, and insists upon dressing herself, buckling the top buckle of her carseat, and getting the bowl, milk, and spoon out for her cereal every morning.
Garth was gone for 2 weeks to Buffalo on a business trip. Those times are brutal for all of us (including him) and we're glad to be back together as a family again. I love the fact that he can work from home most of the time. He's always willing to pitch in and help with cleaning up the house, fixing dinner, or making us all laugh. The Lord definitely gave me the greatest husband for me!
Looking forward, we are excited about our new baby due in April. Garth's parents are also planning a trip back to the States this summer and we're excited about that too! The Lord is good and continues to show himself strong in our lives. Though we never know what tomorrow holds, we always rest assured of Who holds tomorrow.