Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges

This book review was done for NavPress.

Jerry Bridges addresses sins in our lives that Christians have overlooked or made "respectable" due to what we believe are "worse" sins. These sins include ungodliness, anxiety and frustration, discontentment, unthankfulness, pride, selfishness, lack of self-control, impatience and irritability, anger, judgmentalism, envy and jealousy, sins of the tongue, and worldliness. Many Christians have become immune to these "respectable sins" and allow them to creep into our lives, where they may slowly take root and often gain control! Jerry Bridges identifies these and exposes them for what they really are. The concluding chapter "Where Do We Go From Here" gives direction and Scripture references for further meditation in dealing with these sins in our lives.

This book is very convicting and great for continuing in Christian growth. I highly recommend it to anyone. It is wonderful to read through and also to use as a reference chapter by chapter, when struggling with a specific sin. The Scripture given throughout the book also directs the reader to the Bible where more study can be done on these specific "respectable sins" and God's view on them.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh this sounds very good! I may have to go get this one! I am reading the Five love languages and it is very good!