Friday, February 17, 2012

A Trip to the Aquarium

Before baby arrives, I wanted to do one more field trip with the kids. We had never been to the aquarium here before and I found a great deal on Groupon, so we decided now was the time for a trip! We had such a great time and the amount of things to see was just right for my kids' attention span, so we decided to upgrade to the annual membership. The kids enjoyed the touch pools the most. In fact, we went back there 3 times during our trip through the aquarium. Ruth loved the bubbles in the water and the other three enjoyed touching the various sea animals in the pools. The aquarium employees on duty there were very helpful in explaining what the various sea creatures were and even took some of them out of the water into a smaller tub where the kids could see them better.

When we got home, the two older kids wrote reports on something new they had learned that day and drew pictures to go along with it. I highly recommend the aquarium to anybody that lives in this area!

By the end, Ruth was e.x.h.a.u.s.t.e.d.

Here are a few pictures of the touch pools.

Having fun at the aquarium!

Watching the diver in the tank, feeding the fish.


The seal pulled itself up and decided to get some sun right in front of us!


Unknown said...

Wow, they HAVE gotten bigger! That looks like one awesome field trip. ^_^ So glad you got to go, and even more glad that it wasn't extremely stressful.

Tim and Cindy said...

Looks like lots of fun!