Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day too all the mommies out there! I hope your day is a special one.

Today (Saturday) my girls and I joined my mom at George Washington Inn for a Mother's Day brunch, hosted by Mom's church (Grace Baptist). The food was delicious, and I chose mostly fruits and veggies and tried to stay away from those oh-so-good breakfast casseroles and doughnuts. Because of an emergency in the pastor's family, Mom was asked to bring the challenge. Her theme was "Be Still and Know". She did an excellent job in sharing the gospel with lost people that were there and challenged my heart to really be still and get to know my God more personally.

1 comment:

Tom and April said...

How wonderful! What a blessing it is to have a mom that knows and loves the Lord, we are blessed!