Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Challenge: Things That I Love

Recently, a friend challenged us to create a list of things that we love. Here are the "rules"...
**You are not allowed to list the obvious (i.e., salvation, spouse, kids, parents, freedom, church, etc...--the things we ALL think are important).
**You are not allowed to consider how others will react to your list while you are making it. Otherwise, it may not be entirely truthful.
**There is no order of importance or minimum/maximum number set, because we all set our values differently.

So, here in no particular order, I love...

1. Rachel's excitement and giddiness over watching her bottle warm up in the microwave before bedtime.

2. The contagious laughter that Benjamin has when he gets really tickled about something.

3. Toasted poptarts and a steaming cup of coffee for breakfast.

4. Rachel's delight when I put her in bed and show her the blanket.

5. The ticking of the computer keys in Garth's office, knowing that he's hard at work, and that he's at home!

6. Coming home and finding my email inbox full of notes from friends and family.

7. Seeing the majestic mountains and sparkling water every time we drive to church.

8. Taking a meal to those that are sick or in need of encouragement.

9. Inviting people into our home and learning more about their lives.

10. The stillness of the house after the kids are asleep and the work for the day is finished.

11. The UPS truck or mail car pulling into our driveway with a package.

12. Standing in a long line at the grocery store and the cashier in the next lane opening her register and calling me over.

13. The energy I feel after a long, hard workout.

14. Getting on the scale in the morning and seeing the numbers are less than they were the day before.

15. The fact that even when my husband and I get to go out for dinner or a date, we always end up talking about the kids.

16. When Garth and I say the same thing at the same time.

17. To take a nap on a rainy day.

18. Staying up late with friends playing games on a Friday night, and then sleeping in really late on Saturday morning.

19. Value Village 99 cent days.

20. Finding lots of yard sales on a Saturday morning and saving lots of money.

21. Selling yard sale finds on eBay to make a profit.

22. Hearing Sarah play pieces on the piano that I remember playing as a student.

23. Being able to share a sad or happy moment with a friend and knowing it will draw us closer.

24. Eating chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven.

25. Knowing I am safe and secure in my Father's hand.

Now it's your turn! I challenge each and everyone of you to come up with a list of things you love and publish it on your blog (if you haven't already). It's encouraging to sit for a moment and think of our blessings.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

These were fun to read! I love getting to know more about people through their answers. I also love those 99 cent days at Value Village!! I try to only go when the kids or I "need" something in particular, otherwise I end up with too much extra stuff. I plan to do my "Things I love" soon.